7.3L Powerstroke Injector Testing

Sale price$35.00
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7.3L Powerstroke injector cleaning and testing services. The customer ships us their injectors for this service. We can usually test the units within 24-48 hours after we have received them.
We sonic wash the exterior of the injectors and inspect for obvious dirt, water, and metal contamination. The injector is then mounted to the test stand for solenoid testing, purge test, static leak down test, rated load, max torque, and idle fuel delivery. A printout of the test results is provided to the customer showing each test result including fuel delivery quantities and pass/fail indicators. 

Failure Analysis:
If an injector does fail, with the customers approval, we can open their failed injector and perform a failure analysis with a digital microscope. Injectors often fail due to water, dirt, or metal contamination from the high pressure oil pump. This is valuable information to prevent cross contamination with replacement injector units.

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